Saturday, March 25, 2017

Beauty and the Beast! Thoughts and Theory.


So lately there has been a bit hype surrounding Disney's remake of "Beauty and the Beast" and not to spoil the movie, it is more or less a modern live action copy of the original film that was released in 1991. Though I am not saying the original was bad but for Disney's sake, they could have done better. But this post is not about my ranting on everything they did wrong but more as theory, to in a way from the research I have done to disprove the story.

To start off with the story was originally based on a french man by the name of  Petrus Gonsalvus (born in 1537). Who during his early years was treated as being a mere oddity because of the fact that he had "Hypertrichosis" or Ambras syndrome which was caused by the mutation of genes during childbirth. Though as time went on his life got somewhat better by eventually becoming a nobleman within the french court, and getting to raise a family. whom at first did not care for him but over time did see the good in him. thus with all things realized that he was nothing more than a common man. Yet different he was not a beast as the people of the time period believed him to be.

You are probably thinking how does his story disprove the one that is known? It actually doesn't as he to a degree help inspire the story that we know and love today. So at this point to me, I feel that the story itself is good for what it is but yet now I feel like the beast is deserving of some credit. In his own way based on the version created by Disney, he became what he was as the result of his selfishness by not providing a place of shelter for an enchantress. Whom at the time disguised herself as an old beggar woman.

Now you're probably thinking this has to be farfetched, well for the sake of this variant of the story we will just have to make it work since when that happened he had not yet even reached the age of 20. So most likely he was a very young man. Though in logic, I believe his turning into a beast was most likely the result of him not experiencing love from his own parents and in return, it became resentment and anger that was built up over time.

At this point what are your thoughts on this classic tale, and as always I wish you the best in life.

Further reading:

The original story
Beauty and Beast
Marriage Can Be Monstrous, or Wondrous: The Origins of “Beauty and the Beast”

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